Mixed Weekend A Great Success
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Mixed Weekend A Great Success

The weekend went really well, with a full 16 teams from all over the country including 2 teams from Wales and 2 from Preston - playing 4 games each, over 3 days.

Our dedicated ice staff produced excellent ice all weekend.

Juicy Meats did a wonderful job of the catering both Friday and Saturday nights and also provided an excellent lunch service on Saturday.

We will be giving rave reviews to anyone who asks!

The raffle made nearly £400 and our bar facilities were very well used over the weekend too.

Everyone went home with a smile on their faces and a high opinion of Border Ice Rink hospitality.

A big thank you to everyone who helped make it such a big success!

High Road Winners were Sandy Nelson, Edna Nelson, Willie Patterson and Ann Whitelaw

pictured here with Colin Martin who presented the prizes.

Low Road Winners were Colin Martin, Liz Martin, Charles Brooker and Alyson Brooker with the prizes being presented by Peter Bowyer.

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Border Ice Rink

Golf Course Road



01573 224774

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