Family Bonspiel | border-ice-rink
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Competition Name: Family Bonspiel

Trophy presented by: James S Baird, Ludenlaw

Type Of Competition: Bonspiel

Organised By: Border Ice Rink

Entry: Open to any 4 family members (optional one

adopted member under 16 years old)

Sponsored By: Cross Keys Hotel

Last Played: Saturday 17th December 2022

Next Played: 


Family Bonspiel

There was fun and games at the Family Bonspiel when we ended up with a three-way tie for first place.    Each end of the game was scored in different formats, but this was not known until the end was completed.   All added to the fun of the day!!!

Family Bonspiel.jpg

A great day was had by all, 4 ends then picnic lunch followed by 4 more ends with the  unusual scoring for each end, topped off by hot mince pies.

Thanks to everyone for taking part, a great mix of ages and Christmas jumpers.

Border Ice Rink

Golf Course Road



01573 224774

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