Diamond Jubilee | border-ice-rink
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Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th October 2024

BIR TRUST Photo.jpg


The Border Ice Rink opened its doors to ice sports on the 1st October 1964 with a "Curling Bonspiel”, followed by a dinner in Ednam House, then a wekend of skating.

Here we are in 2024, some 60 years later and still going strong.   To mark this milestone we have organised a Curling Bonspiel, a Jubilee Dinner and a 60s Theme Skating Weekend for you all to enjoy similar to what happened in '64.

For the curlers we are hosting a bonspiel for 128 players on Saturday 19th October when the north of our catchment area will play the south in their clubs.  Invited players from further afield will also being involved.   


The Diamond Jubilee Dinner with music, toasts and an after dinner speaker will take place in the Cross Keys Hotel, Kelso, on Saturday19th Oct after the curling and prior to the skating on Sunday 20th.

(The details of the skating event will be on the skating page.)

Curling Information

We are inviting our border curling clubs to enter at least one team, but a few may want to enter a second for this special one-off event.   There is provission on the form below to enter two teams and some additional players.   (Application to the dinner is sepparate to the curling application.)

We require this "Team Entry Form" ASAP and no later than 30th June to confirm the local numbers before we widen the invitations to ex-patriots of BIR and other curlers from outwith our local area who would like to join us, but we will prioritise on our home members first.

Once we have your forms in we will contact you again to confirm acceptance and request the team member names.

The entry charge will be £48.00 per team for the curling.   

The entry form will be sent to all border club secretaries or you can submit the online form below.

Scroll down for dinner information

Border Ice Rink Diamond Celebration
Curling Entry Form - Club Team(s)

If you have extra playes wanting to play but cant make up a

full team please state how many and we will contact the club

secretary for their details.  Please note, if we are over subscribed

the entries will be drawn by ballot.

Please click the button below to register your form.

Thanks for your entry, we will be in touch for more details soon !!!


This dinner will be held in the Cross Keys Hotel, Kelso on Saturday 19th October 2024

The cost of the 3 course dinner with cofee will be £35.00 and must be paid in advance.

You are invited to apply to join us in tables of 10 persons.   (Smaller parties can be accepted but may be seated with other groups)

Guests are welcome to be at the hotel from 6.00pm as there will be live music on arrival but you must be seated by 7.00pm.   This is a large event so please give yourself plenty time to meet and greet.

Details for advance payment and the menu selection will be sent to the lead name on the the application form below once your application is processed closer to the event.

Unfortunatly we are restricted to a maximum of 200 guests at the dinner.

Dinner Application form

Please click the button below to submit your application.

Thanks for submitting your dinner application!!

Once you have submitted your form we will forward you more information including an advance menu selector for your party and details for advance payment.

Border Ice Rink

Golf Course Road



01573 224774

We are passionate about

Curling, Skating and Sports

to support our local community!


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